15 MARCH 2022
Data Privacy. Cyber Security. Compliance. Governance. Risk Management. Regulatory Affairs. Legal. AI. Technology.
This event will gather 150-200 In-house Counsel, Data Privacy Heads, Data Privacy Officers, Heads of Risk & Compliance, Compliance Managers, Cyber Security Managers, Law Firm Partners and Law Tech Professionals.
THE Queen Elizabeth II Centre,
Broad Sanctuary Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE
Presenting Sponsors
In Association with

We are all set to host our next flagship event- The Global Data Privacy, Cyber Security & GRC ConfEx in London, UK which is to be held on 15 March 2022. This event aims to bring together 150-200 In-house Counsel, Data Privacy Heads, Data Privacy Officers, Heads of Risk & Compliance, Compliance Managers, Cyber Security Managers, Law Firm Partners and Law Tech Professionals. Each lawyer participant attends the event because he/she has some operational challenges to resolve such as Litigation. Risk. Security. GDPR. CCPA. Compliance. Data Privacy. Artificial Intelligence. Legal Technology. Automation. Machine Learning. Litigation. E-discovery. Contracts etc (this list of challenges is only indicative, not exhaustive). In order to find the solutions, they not only need the learning & education but also the meetings with the right service providers. Our event helps them with both.

150 - 200 In-house Counsel and Law Firm Partners
15+ Exhibitors
30+ Speakers
10+ Bar Associations & Media Partners
Keynote Addresses
Exclusive Case Study Presentations
Round Table Discussions
Business Dialogues
Qualified Business Lead
C Level Invitations Only
Unique Networking Opportunities
Our Testimonials
Key Speakers

(09:00 AM – 05:30 PM London Time)
* Program is subject to change without notice
08:30 AM – Onwards
Conference Registration
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
08:45 AM – 09:00 AM
Introduction & Peer Networking
Event Introduction: Get to know the daylong exciting networking & learning opportunities
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
09:00 AM – 09:30 AM
Morning Keynote Address 1
Dealing with International Data Transfers, the Schrems II Case and New SCCs
Learn about the latest developments on international data transfers and Schrems II
Practical steps companies can take to carry out a Schrems II data transfer assessment
How to implement the new EU Standard Contractual Clauses?
Find out about the UK position on international data transfers
Mareike Christine Gehrmann
Taylor Wessing
09:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Morning Keynote Address 2
Privacy Automation: Bridging the Compliance & Data Governance Gap
As privacy programs mature, focus is shifting from tick-the-box compliance exercises to ongoing privacy automation and embedded data governance. Companies adopt privacy automation to go beyond compliance into building trust as a competitive differentiator. This means understanding data through ongoing data discovery and classification, automated identification of privacy risk and policy violations, and integrated enforcement of governance policies. In this session, learn how to take the first steps towards privacy automation and to advance your privacy program to the next phase of maturity.
Valentina Raineri | CIPP/E
Senior Solutions Engineer | OneTrust
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10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Morning Keynote Address 3
Make Compliance Easy: How to Take a Proactive Approach to Data Protection
Hear the results of the latest Compliance Week Report on data privacy
Learn how accessibility and training are core strategies to managing risk
Get market insights on using self-service applications to support global data protection programs
Joanna Sidhu
VP of Community &
Product Marketing,
Neil Westwood
Managing Associate, Digital Business Group,
Simmons and Simmons
Aselle Ibraimova
Senior Associate,
Data Protection,
Reed Smith LLP
Sponsored By
Gabriel Voisin
Partner, Privacy, Data
Protection and Cyber,
Bird and Bird LLP
10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
Exclusive Case Study Presentation
Future of Privacy –What privacy professionals need to consider
With Schrems, Brexit, Adequacy and lockdowns (hopefully) behind us, we can finally return to a face-to-face event and discuss the future of privacy. Join Rob Masson, CEO of The DPO Centre, and Ann Bevitt, Partner at Cooley LLP, to discuss the impact of recent events and what the future of privacy could look like;
Potential impact of the recent DCMS consultation document
Challenges faced by UK organisations having to comply with an increasingly complex global privacy landscape
The rise of AI and the data protection challenges it brings
How The DPO Centre and Cooley have worked in partnership to support their clients
Rob Masson
Founder & CEO,
The DPO Centre
Ann Bevitt
Partner and Employment/Data Protection Lawyer,
Cooley LLP
Sponsored by:
10:50 AM – 11:30 AM
Informal Networking & Tea Break
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
11:30 AM – 12:10 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Ransomware: A Massive and Paralyzing Cyber Threat Facing Organizations
Legal, security, law enforcement and legal tech experts will address best practices for preventing and responding to a ransomware attack including:
Ethical obligations that apply in safeguarding client data and breach notification
How to avoid a ransomware attack?
Options available to respond to a ransomware attack
When should you and how do you pay ransom?
Pitfalls even when ransom is paid
Insurance coverage and loss concerns
Satnam Tumani
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Paul Glass
Baker McKenzie
Ross McKean
DLA Piper
Joel Harrison
Milbank LLP
Laurence Winston
Partner, Co-Head of International Dispute Resolution,
Crowell & Moring LLP

Duncan Woodhouse
Chief Information
Security Officer,
Sponsored By
12:10 PM – 01:10 PM
Industry Leadership Session
The Future and Next Steps for the UK’s Data Protection Policy
Next steps for data sharing, and priorities for implementing the new code of practice - privacy, enforcement, and sharing data internationally
Developing best practice for data compliance, and guidelines across key sectors to support innovation and growth
The impact of increased remote working
Online harms and the ethics of data
João Barreiro
Chief Privacy Officer,
Dr. Nathalie Moreno
Addleshaw Goddard LLP
Jonathan Keen
EMEA Head of Legal,
Giulia Carna
Data Protection Counsel,
Katie Hewson
Data Protection Partner, Stephenson Harwood LLP
Eleonor Duhs
Partner, Head of Data Privacy, Bates Wells LLP
Gary Brown
Chief Privacy Officer, Westinghouse Electric LLC
01:10 PM – 02:10 PM
Informal Networking & Lunch Break
Networking Lunch with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
02:10 PM – 03:00 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Privacy by Design and by Default. A Game-changer in Online Platforms and Web-based Applications
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents the greatest change to European data security in 20 years. After more than three years since GPDR came into force, and we have now started to see its impact on businesses and how regulators are reacting. Experts will have discussion on the practical implications of GDPR for world business, and what lessons have been learned-
What is the Privacy by design principle and why its application is critical for the design of all web and online applications?
How one approaches the PbD principle in the design phase of an online app?
How PbD can be evidence and what are its key benefits in ensuring the highest level of data protection without the user’s intervention?
What are the key risks if PbD has not been incorporated into a web-based application or platform?
Jonathan McDonald
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Joana Mota Agostinho
Farisa Khan
Privacy Attorney,
The Coca-Cola Company
Gabriel Voisin
Partner, Privacy, Data Protection, Cyber, Bird & Bird LLP
Ivana Bartoletti
Global cheif privacy officer, Wipro
Rory O'Keeffe
03:00 PM – 04:30 PM
Leadership Round Table Discussion & Idea Exchange (In-Person & LIVE Online Session)
This session is an opportunity for you to share feedback with peers regarding challenges you face that were not addressed in other conference sessions. Peers gladly share ideas, strategies and best practices to assist you in addressing difficulties. You may be surprised that you have an idea to share that will be of great value to another attendee. Take back to your office insightful tips to reduce risk or increase efficiency in a process or procedure within your firm that you didn't think needed improvement.
During the Idea Exchange, we plan to discuss the topics below.
Discussion Topic & Details-
Developing Data Privacy, Cyber Security & GRC Roadmap: Aligned with the Mission, Value, and Strategic Agenda of Your Business
How UK/Europe based organisations are right now seizing opportunities presented by their digitisation journey?
How to navigate potential data privacy risks and the choose paths to compliance?
Data and privacy protection in the UK: the future and next steps
The impact of increased remote working
Online harms and the ethics of data
Understanding the GRC business drivers & defining GRC strategy.
How GRC solutions help companies meet CCPA & GDPR requirements?
Data privacy governance in the age of CCPA & GDPR
Aligning privacy approaches to ensure global compliance
How to strengthen and streamline your third-party risk management efforts?
How to operationalise Data Privacy and GRC processes internally?
Steps to take towards planning your digitisation journey
In-Person Session Speakers
Josephine Hanschke
Head of Business Consulting
Rob Masson
Founder & CEO,
The DPO Centre
Lee Brown
Strategic Partner Manager- UK&I,

Duncan Woodhouse
Chief Information
Security Officer,
Julie Varcoe-Cocks
Head Regulatory & Compliance/ Data Protection Officer, Serco
LIVE Online Session Speakers
Nadim Awadh
Group Compliance Officer, Investigations, Hikma
Allison Levy
Chief Privacy Officer - Americas, Flight Centre Travel Group
Lauryanne Negers
Legal & Data Privacy Counsel, Cepheid
Tarique N. Collins
Chief Legal Officer,
Click Therapeutics, Inc.
William Long
Sidley Austin
Wayne Kaufman
Senior Counsel, Data Privacy Officer, Vice President, ORBCOMM Inc.
04:30 PM – 05:00 PM
Thank You Note & Closing Remarks
Thank you note in the presence of all speakers, sponsors & global delegates who made this event happen with their undaunting support and participation.
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
*There can be a slight change in the time provided in the agenda above

Buy Delegate Pass
Delegate Pass/es + Additional Services
£ 499
£ 699
£ 999
£ 1499
£ 1999
*Delegate Pass/es
Upto 1
Upto 1
Upto 1
Upto 2
Upto 2
Logo Branding on ConfEx Website Linking to Your Website

Logo Acknowledgment in the ConfEx Presentation Slide on the event day

Social Media Promotions (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn)

Upto 1
Upto 2
Upto 2
Opportunity to Distribute Gifts with Your Branding (Exp- Customized pen drive, Coffee Mug etc)

Distribution of Your Marketing Collaterals at Registration Desk

1 Organization Standee in the Exhibition Hall

One Pre-event email blast to all attendees with your unique services and offerings

*Each Delegate Pass Inclusions:
One (1) Access Pass to all Keynote Sessions, Case Study Presentations, Panel Discussions & Leadership Round Table Discussion & Idea Exchange
One (1) Access Pass to Morning One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
One (1) ConfEx Delegate Kit + Access to the Exhibition Hall
Conference Networking Tea Break and Luncheon Pass
Opportunity to Networking with Speakers, Key Participants & Exhibitors
Access to Conference Knowledge Material, Gifts and Presentations (based on approval)
Interaction with All Speakers Through LIVE Q&A Session
The prices mentioned above are subjected to change without any prior notice