THE Queen Elizabeth II Centre,
Broad Sanctuary Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE
Litigation. E-discovery. Contracts Management. Document Management. Data Privacy. Cyber Security. Risk. Compliance. Governance. Regulatory Affairs. Arbitration. Dispute Management. Forensics Investigations. Fraud & Corruption. White-Collar Crime. M&A. Legal Translation. Cloud Computing. Blockchain. AI. Legal Technology.
This upcoming event will bring together a diverse group of 150 - 200 legal professionals, including in-house counsel, general counsel, heads of litigation and e-discovery, contracts managers, data privacy heads, heads of risk and compliance, cyber security managers, forensics and investigation managers, head legal and company secretaries, chief legal officers, law firm partners, and legal technology professionals. With such a broad range of participants, this promises to be an exciting opportunity to network and share knowledge on the latest developments in the legal industry.

The Global Legal ConfEx is a highly anticipated event that will gather 150-200 legal professionals in London on March 15, 2023. Attendees will include in-house counsel, general counsel, heads of litigation and e-discovery, contracts managers, data privacy heads, and heads of risk and compliance. The conference will feature keynote addresses, case study presentations, collaborative round table discussions, and exhibitions by leading vendors in the industry. The event will cover a wide range of topics, including legal technology, contract management, data privacy, risk management, and compliance. The Global Legal ConfEx is a valuable platform for networking, sharing best practices, and gaining insights into the latest trends and innovations in the legal industry.
Up to 200 General Counsel and Law Firm Partners
15+ Exhibitors
30+ Speakers
10+ Bar Associations and Media Partners
Keynote Addresses
Exclusive Case Study Presentations
Round Table Discussions
Business Dialogues
Qualified Business Leads
Invitations for C-Level Executives Only
Unique Networking Opportunities

Our Testimonials

(08:00 AM – 05:30 PM London Time)
* Program is subject to change without notice
08:00 AM – Onwards
Conference Registration
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
08:45 AM – 09:00 AM
Introduction & Peer Networking
Event Introduction: Get to know the daylong exciting networking & learning opportunities
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
09:00 AM – 10:00 AM
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Morning Keynote Address 2
A shortcut to Third Party Due Diligence Fundamentals
Increased regulatory and consumer scrutiny on the integrity of businesses has changed how we operate. Now, the spotlight is turning to third parties and vendors that work on our behalf or as part of our supply chains. Setting and enforcing appropriate standards is one thing, but how does an organisation begin to introduce a robust and reliable set of procedures that can uncover risks and protect a business and its reputation? Hear from our Ethics and Compliance professionals how they identify their risks and priorities and how to turn those into a reliable program. In sharing real-world examples, we aim to help you avoid some of the key hurdles that can undermine an effective Third Party Due Diligence program.
Neil Hart
Ethics & Compliance Specialist, OneTrust
Sponsored By:
10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
Exclusive Case Study Presentation
How to use Artificial Intelligence in AML/Sanctions Compliance
Attitudes and questions related to Client Onboarding at Global Law Firms have shifted towards Client Selection. But how can compliance departments find answers to nuanced ethical questions about the people they do business with in today’s complex information environment? This Case Study presentation will look at:
Emerging best practice in AML/Sanctions compliance
What artificial intelligence is and how can it be applied to AML/Sanctions Compliance and Reputational Risk Management
Where AI stops and humans start
Chris Green
Sponsored By:
10:50 AM – 11:20 AM
Informal Networking & Tea Break
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
11:20 AM – 12:00 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Fraud, Bribery and Corruption: Impact on International Arbitration
Corruption around the world: causes, consequences, scope, & cures
How tribunals approach issues around illegal conduct?
Impact of parallel proceedings
Impact on enforcement of an arbitral award
Heightened risk of fraud and corruption during the COVID-19 crisis
Key issues to consider in fraud and corruption cases
Can we keep corruption out of International Arbitration?
The role of arbitrators in dealing with compliance matters
Satnam Tumani
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Clarissa Coleman
Litigation and Arbitration Partner,
DAC Beachcroft LLP
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM
Exclusive Case Study Presentation
Ways to Improve Your Team’s Performance with eDiscovery Technology
The volatile macroeconomic environment of 2022 has pointed towards an uncertain economic outlook for 2023, causing many organizations to tighten budgets as well as reconsider their priorities and goals for this year. As the legal industry continues to evolve, legal professionals are faced with an opportunity to embrace transformational change and leverage the technological developments of 2023 to their advantage. Join us in this session, to explore what other 126 legal professionals are expecting in 2023 and how they see technology supporting their team in achieving their goals.
Karim Osman
Investigations & eDiscovery Specialist, IPRO
Sponsored By:
12:20 PM – 01:00 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Compliance: An Integral Part of Risk Management
Building relationships across the business
Understanding and approaching compliance risk management
Monitor the risk and regulatory environment
Know who you do business with. Know your business relationships
Doing it differently: become more risk intelligent
ESG and business and human rights risks and compliance
Chris Green
Zaheed Hussein
General Counsel, The Institute of Engineering and Technology
Nicola Galtieri
Catrina Silva
Group Data Protection Legal Counsel,
01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Informal Networking & Lunch Break
Networking Lunch with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
02:00 PM – 02:40 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Litigation Management: Strategies for Aligning Cost with Value
Managing litigation costs and prevention
Define a budget and explore alternative fee structures
Leverage technology to Its full potential
Cost-saving systems prior to litigation
Evaluate your compliance programs to reduce risk
Should judges and arbitrators manage their cases without regard to costs?
Effective case management: how to control litigation outcomes and costs?
Identify risky vendors who have interactions with government hence have a potential for a legal risk.
Tim Constable
Partner, Dispute Resolution,
Shez Christopher
Litigation Lawyer,
Southwark Council
02:40 PM – 03:20 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Data Privacy Vs. Data Security: Understanding the Distinction in Defending Your Data
What's the difference between data privacy and data security?
How the law regulates data privacy and data security?
Data privacy and security: one doesn't ensure the other
Data privacy plus data security equals compliance
Giulia Carna
Isabel Bairrao
Principal Associate (Data Protection and Cybersecurity),
Rory O’Keeffe
Partner - Technology & Innovation Lawyer, Matheson
03:20 PM – 04:00 PM
Industry Leadership Session
Future of Data Privacy - and How Entrepreneurs can take Advantage of the Shifts
How is the UK data protection landscape evolving?
How will this affect data flows between the UK and the EU?
What does this mean for businesses operating in both jurisdictions?
What advantages do the changes entail?
William Long
Richard Milchior
Rory O’Keeffe
Partner - Technology & Innovation Lawyer, Matheson
04:00 PM – 04:40 PM
Industry Leadership Session
International Regulatory Compliance & Breach Response
Overview of new international regulations
International breach response planning and execution
Best practices
Federico Rossi
Dr. Nathalie Moreno
Partner, All things Technology and Data Protection,
Addleshaw Goddard LLP
Julie Varcoe-Cocks
Head of Ethics Regulatory and Compliance / Data Protection Officer, Serco
04:40 PM – 04:50 PM
Informal Networking & Tea Break
Networking Tea with Speakers & Delegates
Informal Networking with Exhibitors
04:50 PM – 05:30 PM
Leadership Round Table Discussion & Idea Exchange (In-Person & Virtual Online Session)
Participate in discussions around hot topics and burning issues with your colleagues that are unique to the legal environment. Peers gladly share ideas, strategies and best practices to assist you in addressing difficulties.
Discussion Topic & Details-
Innovation and Technology in Litigation, E-Discovery & International Arbitration: UK/Europe Perspective
Leveraging technology to automate legal activities and tasks
Rapid changes in litigation in the ever-growing markets
Innovative techniques for reducing legal spend in the post COVID-19 world
Dispute management during COVID-19: moving from litigation to arbitration
Artificial Intelligence in E-Discovery
Virtual hearings and trials are here to stay
Abraham Mertens
Assistant General Counsel,
Arista Networks, Inc.
Shez Christopher
Litigation Lawyer,
Southwark Council
Renata Berzanskiene
General Counsel & Compliance Coordinator, ORLEN Lietuva AB
05:30 PM
Thank You Note & Closing Remarks
Thank you note in the presence of all speakers, sponsors & global delegates who made this event happen with their undaunting support and participation.
*There can be a slight change in the time provided in the agenda above

Buy Delegate Pass
Delegate Pass/es to Attend the Event
Upto 1
Upto 1
Upto 2
Upto 2
Upto 3
Conference Networking Tea Break and Luncheon Pass

Opportunity to Network with Speakers, Key Participants & Exhibitors

Logo Branding at ConfEx Website Linking to Your Website: "Prominent Sponsor"

Your Brand Logo Visibility During the Event

Social Media Promotions (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn)

2 Times
2 Times
3 Times
5 Times
Opportunity to Distribute Gifts with Your Branding (Exp- Customized pen drive, Coffee Mug etc)

Distribution of Your Marketing Collaterals at Registration Desk

Thanking Sponsors with their Name during Opeining & Closing Remarks

1 Organization Standee at Registration Desk

Pre-Event Email Blast to All Attendees with your Unique Services and Offerings

1 Times
2 Times
Title Sponsor Branding of Any One Panel Discussion of Your Choice

*Each Delegate Pass Inclusions:
One (1) Access Pass to all Keynote Sessions, Case Study Presentations, Panel Discussions & Leadership Round Table Discussion & Idea Exchange
One (1) Access Pass to Morning One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
One (1) ConfEx Delegate Kit + Access to the Exhibition Hall
Conference Networking Tea Break and Luncheon Pass
Opportunity to Network with Speakers, Key Participants & Exhibitors
Access to Conference Knowledge Material, Gifts and Presentations (based on approval)
Interaction with All Speakers Through Virtua Q&A Session
Should you wish to avail Exhibition Space, Speakership Opportunity or Exclusive Brand Visibility in this event, please fill the form here: https://www.events4sure.com/registrations Our teams shall assist promptly with further details.
Knowledge Partners